Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Contentment of life

Q: How can one be contented with pursuing mental and physical satisfaction?
A: Unhappiness is caused by a loss of contentment which the result of unlimited desire. People who lead a simple life are often easily contented, while those who indulge in physical satisfaction are often not contented. One needs to strike a balance between mental and physical satisfaction. To learn to be contented, it is necessary to cut down the pursuit of physical satisfaction, and lead a simple life with a grateful heart.

Q: Do you ask somebody for help when you encounter a problem or do you solve the problem with the help of your own wisdom and the Master's teachings? The Master often reminds us to guard our conscience ourselves as she cannot possibly pay close attention to every single person.
A: Since your involvement in Tzu Chi work is a kind of spiritual cultivation, you should always keep these things in mind: be tolerant of adversity, remain vigilant at all times, respond promptly , and learn to 'let go' once the issue is dealt with. Sometimes, I do encounter problems. however, I am able to speed up my problem-solving gradually. As I no longer have any cravings, I have fewer problems than before. It is important to build a wide network of friends as you will meet wise people who can help you out when you encounter problems.

I get this above articles from the The World of Tzu Chi, 2007-11 edition by David Liu. Just makes me think of my life should be getting into simple and tolerant living instead of the unnecessary complicated pursuing that bring us the unhappiness. Let go gradually what we think we have to get more and more.....

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