Sunday, February 26, 2006

Moody and emotional

I believe that everyone has down and low mood time, evenif we know it is bad for health and mind. But, I think it is the way to relieve, relax and loose out all bad tempers from pressure. Am I right or wrong?

Sometimes, just a irritating phone call, an annoying voice or song, a mischievious thinking or an overwhelming passion from someone you dislike really really get on my nerves. I try to calm down and control my mind, but still I loose it out simply. I think it was a naturaly responses and nothing to do with any self-esteem or personal characteristic. Do I need to change my mind again or it was just a loser? I am still figuring out and pondering it over and over.

No one want to behave it so ridiculous, foolish, irrational and absurd when we have been an adult or a mature. Still, I have to learn again again again and again from all these blunders in the process of life...

We weep and sob, because we feel touched;
We think and change, because we get understood;
We go ahead if we stumble, because we get inspired
from someone who share and stand by us.

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